Sunday, August 9, 2009

Another week...

Another week has passed by and in the comfort of my surroundings I am blasé. I worked, I fed myself, my husband and our dogs. I slept in this morning. I'll call my folks tonight and also talk to my sons later to find out what they got up to this weekend. I moaned about the cold and put some more wood in the fire to eleviate that inconvenience. And I ordered a heap of beads etc from America so I could make more jewelry. We had some friends over today for a visit.
This all seems so insignificant in the big scheme of things. I read about more arrests in Bil'in and that more families are being removed from their homes, to be relocated elsewhere, by the Israeli government and that illegal settlers are given these houses to live in. For the life of me I cannot fathom why the settlers would take these houses. A decent person would see the injustice in this and not wish to have a bar of it. How could you move into a house where the previous owner was forcibly evicted? How do you explain to your children that a family, just like yours, has been thrown out with indifference and contempt just so you can take over their piece of existence for the enhancement of your own government? This situation perpetuates the circle of mistrust, hatred and instability between these two peoples.
Set Emad Bortan, and all the other non-violent demonstrators who were recently kidnapped, free!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

My Poems

I have had comments about my poems and people have asked if I wrote them. Yes I did write them. I love writing poetry and sometimes a photo, story or thought just gives me the need to address it with words. The story of the children in Gaza who set a Guinness World Record for the kite flying inspired 4000 Kites-A Moment. I tried to imagine what it would be like for all the kids to feel so free and proud for this achievement. The first poem is how I feel sometimes when thinking about the plight/resolution for the Palestinian people: insignificant, small, powerless to help. I hope you enjoy them.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

4000 Kites - A Moment

4000 children with kites in hand

release them skyward above a land

drenched in suffering, plagued by spite.

The kites climb steadily into the light.

4000 kites tussle for space

elation, excitement show on each face

of the children who hold the string.

The kites ascend and start to sing.

4000 voices of air unite

flapping, laughing spirits in flight

soar over figures below who look up in awe

as the sky is blocked out by this colourful score.

4000 strings between kites and hands

struggle to do what the wind demands

but they hold fast, they do their best

to do what these tiny hands request.

4000 faces alight with glee

watch as their kites sail high and free.

In a window of time their hopes too have flown.

A moment to cherish until they are grown.

1000000 people watch from outside

in another world, tears of joy cried

because our hopes rise with every kite

today, my friends, freedom is in sight.

1000000 people towards you blow

to keep the kites aloft and show

that we are with you, though we are apart

and one day we'll touch...not just with our heart.